Board Meeting Minutes Haiku, Inc. 2015-07-01, Wednesday 18:00 (UTC) Freenode's IRC network (, #haiku-inc-bod Board Members: Present: Bruno Albuquerque Ryan Leavengood Urias McCullough Absent: Axel Dörfer Others Present: Rene Gollent Alexander von Gluck IV Proceedings: * 18:00 (UTC): Meeting called to order by Bruno Albuquerque. * 18:05 (UTC): Acknowledged minutes from 2011-09-09 meeting to be accurate. * 18:09 (UTC): The BOD recognizes Matthew Madia (mmadia) stepping down and appreciates his service to the board. * 18:13 (UTC): Elected Alexander von Gluck IV as board member. * 18:17 (UTC): Elected Rene Gollent as a board member. * 18:18 (UTC): The BOD recognizes Bruno Albuquerque (BGA) stepping down and appreciates his service to the board. * 18:34 (UTC): Elected Rene Gollent as VP. * 18:37 (UTC): Elected Alexander von Gluck IV as secretary. * 18:50 (UTC): Meeting adjourned at 18:50 (UTC) on July 01, 2015. * Minutes submitted by Alexander von Gluck IV